No war can do without propaganda. Whether it’s to boost the army’s morale or cheer up the civilians, we all need something to hold on to in these difficult times.

No war can do without propaganda. Whether it’s to boost the army’s morale or cheer up the civilians, we all need something to hold on to in these difficult times.
When growing up, our parents always told us not to play with our food. But then the world invented rice balls and made a type of food that looks like it was specifically made to play with.
Art is subjective, we all know that, but this one lady is just something else.
If you’re into stuff like Salvador Dali and other surrealistic painters, this is going to be right up your alley.
Brazilian artist Luis Rogério Faria Rosa replaces all the actors in the movie posters with cats and dogs. How cool is that?
There’s something truly hypnotizing and chilling about how realistic yet scary these little sculptures are. You might even say it’s horrific, but perhaps this tension between horrific and cute is where the crux of QimmyShimmy’s popularity lies.
Well, whether you saw it coming or not: meet Felipe Cavieres!
There’s almost no character smothered in nostalgia that isn’t part of the Disney family right now.