10 Spicy Details About The Main Characters in Bones You Never Noticed Entertainment From quirky Easter eggs to touching tributes, Bones packed its 12 seasons with details that a lot of people have missed on their first veiwing. Advertisements
6 Reasons To Never Apologize For Being Single Curiosities The way society is constructed, the idea of marriage and being in a relationship is heavily supported, and even romanticized.
10 Best Healthy Foods That Can Help You Gain Weight Fast Curiosities Here are ten healthy foods that can help you gain weight faster.
10 Iconic Stars Who Are Now In Their 90’s Celebrities Making a mark in Hollywood is no easy feat. Actresses and entertainers are a dime a dozen, and while they may all have talent, the sheer probability of breaking through the noise is slim to none. But there are some celebs who have been able to shine amongst all of their constituents, and create lasting careers in the public eye.
55-Year-Old ‘Fresh Prince’ Actress Who Played Hilary Hasn’t Aged A Day Celebrities While Will Smith’s character was the lead, all of the characters brought a unique and meaningful aspect to the show. One of everyone’s favorites was Hilary Banks, who was played by Karyn Parsons. What you might not believe is that after all this time, Parsons has aged beautifully.
Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie’s Kids: Then & Now Celebrities While you might remember them as babies on the covers of gossip tabloids, today, nearly all of them are teens and young adults. The six kids: Pax, Maddox, Shiloh, Vivienne, and Knox, have all grown up before our eyes, and their transformation over the years is no small one.
Dwayne Johnson’s Athletic Career Through The Years Celebrities Since his movies are easy enough to find a small rundown of, let’s take a look at how The Rock started off his career and go through his athletic feats.
Things You Didn’t Know About Kate Middleton Celebrities Let’s take a look at some things you probably didn’t know about Kate Middleton!
The Creepiest Children in Horror Movie History Entertainment It’s true, children should not watch horror films, but who says they can’t be cast in them as demon-ridden offsprings from hell?
Here’s What Your Cracking Joints Really Means Curiosities Are you constantly hearing your joints cracking lately? This may be something you didn’t notice in your younger years. But you may have the trouble of your joints cracking repeatedly throughout the day as you have gotten a few years older. This could be a...
6 Best Doctors on TV Entertainment There are many character roles uplifted in television, like superheroes, heartthrobs and romantic leads. But one role that is equally as important is that of the doctor.
Pro Tips On How to Become a Better Kisser Curiosities Kissing is one of the best joys in life and if you thought it’s a talent that one is just born with — you’re wrong. Practice, as you know, makes perfect, and in the case of kissing, practice is fun.
The Most Messed Up Things Spider-Man Has Ever Done Comics This might be as good a time as any to look at some things Spider-Man has done in his decades-long past that weren’t all that friendly neighbourhood.
Why It’s Actually Great Being Single At Christmas Inspiration What many don’t realize is that there are actually some benefits to being single during Christmas. So if you don’t have a special someone as the holidays are rolling around, fear not.
6 Things to Do When Someone Is Being Passive-Aggressive Curiosities Dealing with passive-aggressive behavior is not the easiest thing in the world, but there are a few tips that may apply to your specific situation.