There are many reasons why a man might reject a woman. The thing is, not all of them are rational and smart. While some might have their reasons for why they don’t feel they’d be a good match, others have reasons so dumb, they’ll make your jaw drop. Here are the dumbest reasons why men decide to turn down women.
1. Because she makes more money than him
This is a very silly reason indeed! When a woman makes more money than a man, it can lead to a shift in the power dynamic, leading men to feel intimated and emasculated. While they should be appreciating their woman for her ambition, hard work, and money, they end up punishing her due to insecurity.
2. Lack of chemistry
Men are physical creatures, and if they’re not physically turned on by a woman, all bets are probably off soon. Unfortunately, men are fickle and this chemistry might change if a woman changes her appearance, undergoes a change in weight, or has been in a long-term relationship with the guy where the initial sparks have cooled down.
3. Because he has low self-esteem
While men might project that onto women, it turns out that a lot of them suffer from low self-esteem and just hide it well. This can lead them to feel like they’re under a microscope and being judged or criticized, but really, it’s the quality they see in themselves.
4. Because he’s a jerk
At the end of the day, it might not even have to do with you! While we can sometimes be judgy or needy, none of us are perfect, and by rejecting you rather than owning up to his very human flaws, he chose to reject you because he thinks he can do better. Spoiler alert! He can’t.
5. Because they’re shallow
Sometimes, if a girl doesn’t look like a supermodel, a guy won’t be into it. The internet and social media specifically have made guys have some ridiculous standards, like wanting a girl to be super skinny with large breasts, or someone that gets dolled up every day. Ultimately, you deserve a guy who appreciates you in your sweats and no makeup.
6. He wants to stay single
This might not necessarily be dumb if it’s for the right reasons, but many times a man will reject a woman because he wants to play the field and see his options. A lot of the time, it’s due to a classic player mentality and unwillingness to settle down.
7. He’s turned off by something she does
Whether it’s the way she twirls her spaghetti or how she snores, it could be just a little thing that takes him from being on the pedestal of the perfect woman fantasy. As women, we overcome gross things that men do all the time, but we put up with it! Apparently, sometimes they can’t.
8. He’s too controlling
A man might reject a woman because he likes to be in control. He wants to be the one making the first move so he can feel manly, and having her take that opportunity from him makes him feel some type of way. Instead, he should appreciate an assertive lady as that usually translates to confidence. In that case, she dodged a bullet!

9. Because he plays games
This is one of the worst reasons to reject a woman, and it happens all the time. Guys fed off a woman’s need for a boyfriend, and some of them are extremely controlling. In these situations, they’re often trying to manipulate the situation and even gaslight you.
10. He was played in the past
Maybe he has trust issues due to a girl in the past cheating on him, and he’s projecting that fear onto you. Ultimately, that’s not fair because you’re obviously not his ex. Still, this baggage might cause him to miss out on a great gal like yourself, and that’s his loss.
11. He doesn’t know how to date
While saying yes to a woman would be a great way to gain more experience, some inexperienced or socially awkward guys panic because they don’t know how to date. He doesn’t know how to be himself, and might even reject a girl because he doesn’t want to seem too eager.