The best part of those long-running shows is watching the actors change and grow side-by-side with you, especially kids and teens.

The best part of those long-running shows is watching the actors change and grow side-by-side with you, especially kids and teens.
If there was ever a decade that was able to speak to our imagination, it had to have been the colorful 70s.
Let’s take a quick look at how the actors of “The Mummy” have changed after 23 long years.
You’ll definitely find a horror story that will make you want to hide under the covers and scream like a little child.
If you think that movies and TV shows in the past were so original and not at all dependent on existing material, think again.
Despite their old age or fragile stature, these ladies are tough as nails and could probably handle any unprepared assailant.
To learn more about some of these amazing actors, check out these historical figures who were fantastically portrayed on screen.
Welcome to the weird side of cinema where the beloved cartoon characters suddenly appear in the physical world alongside real actors. Usually, this combo is used in kids’ movies, but there are some exceptions.
While all movies have their own specific draw, there is something magical about movies based on Greek mythology.
Even the best-written characters need someone to fight against, so here are 10 most terrifying King villains in cinema.