Having a high score on that makes it more likely that more people will find this woman attractive.

Having a high score on that makes it more likely that more people will find this woman attractive.
Some celebrities claim to have beaten genetics and stay fit despite never working out. Whether we believe them or not is a different question altogether, but let’s take a look at celebrities that are somehow able to look good and not have to work for it.
If you’re ready to see the best of the best, check out these top 10 shark movies.
Check out these 12 celebrities who changed their makeup style and look even more gorgeous than before.
From dying their hair with food condiments, to using school supplies for instant face lifts, celebrities get a bit strange with their beauty hacks. If you are ready to see just how off the wall celebs can get about preserving their looks, check out these 7 weirdest celebrity beauty hacks we’ve ever heard about.