7 Weirdest Celebrity Beauty Hacks We’ve Ever Heard About

From dying their hair with food condiments, to using school supplies for instant face lifts, celebrities get a bit strange with their beauty hacks. If you are ready to see just how off the wall celebs can get about preserving their looks, check out these 7 weirdest celebrity beauty hacks we’ve ever heard about.

10 Iconic Stars Who Are Now In Their 90’s

Making a mark in Hollywood is no easy feat. Actresses and entertainers are a dime a dozen, and while they may all have talent, the sheer probability of breaking through the noise is slim to none. But there are some celebs who have been able to shine amongst all of their constituents, and create lasting careers in the public eye.

6 Best Doctors on TV

There are many character roles uplifted in television, like superheroes, heartthrobs and romantic leads. But one role that is equally as important is that of the doctor.