The Haementeria ghilianii species in particular is so large it’ll probably give you nightmares.

The Haementeria ghilianii species in particular is so large it’ll probably give you nightmares.
The art of photomanipulation is quite young, but there have already been hundreds of instances where photos confused and completely fooled millions of people. Don’t believe everything you see on the Internet.
Despite Nikki Haley having given up on her bid for the Republican nomination in the upcoming elections, she’ll be a name people remember for at least a few more weeks.
Even decades later, these bizarre events are still raising hairs and boggle the minds of researchers.
The animal kingdom remains one of the most fascinating things on this planet.
The kings and queens of modern-day Europe are still trying to hold on to the vestiges of power their families once had. Despite moving on from monarchy, for some reason people in England, Spain, Belgium and other countries still root for their Royals like it’s all just a big reality TV show.
We’re here for your weird story of the month!
You never know what kind of a monstrosity will pop out from the ocean’s depths but with this list your psyche will at least be a little bit more prepared.
Cryptozoologists and explorers all over the world have been trying to solve the mystery of Bigfoot’s existence and after 50+ years they still got nothing to show for it.
An Australian cultivated meat company, unveiled a groundbreaking achievement: the creation of the first-ever meat derived from the DNA of an extinct animal.