The Richest Criminals in History

It’s humanity’s worst kept secret that partaking in illegal activities is a pretty good way to get a massive bank account. Let’s be honest, if you’re not paying taxes your income goes up significantly almost instantly anyway, right?

Here’s What Your Cracking Joints Really Means

Are you constantly hearing your joints cracking lately? This may be something you didn’t notice in your younger years. But you may have the trouble of your joints cracking repeatedly throughout the day as you have gotten a few years older. This could be a...

Pro Tips On How to Become a Better Kisser

Kissing is one of the best joys in life and if you thought it’s a talent that one is just born with — you’re wrong. Practice, as you know, makes perfect, and in the case of kissing, practice is fun.

15 Signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, or ADHD, is a mental condition that causes various symptoms related to focus and attentiveness. There are many children diagnosed with ADHD, and about 60% of those children with these diagnoses in the US grow up to become adults still dealing with the disorder.