Politics and corruption go hand in hand pretty much like your first beer and second beer do.
Category: Curiosities
Surprising Traits That Men And Women Find Attractive
When it comes to looks, society has given us an ideal image of what is and what isn’t attractive.
7 Most Popular Socialist Leaders in History
Let’s take a look at some socialist leaders that we’ve seen in history that were fairly popular.
The Richest Criminals in History
It’s humanity’s worst kept secret that partaking in illegal activities is a pretty good way to get a massive bank account. Let’s be honest, if you’re not paying taxes your income goes up significantly almost instantly anyway, right?
10 Dirtiest Beaches in the World
Can you believe that there are actually beaches that are engulfed in trash?
10 Societies Run By Women
To learn more about the amazing matriarchies that exist around the world, check out these 10 societies run by women.
6 Reasons To Never Apologize For Being Single
The way society is constructed, the idea of marriage and being in a relationship is heavily supported, and even romanticized.
10 Best Healthy Foods That Can Help You Gain Weight Fast
Here are ten healthy foods that can help you gain weight faster.
Here’s What Your Cracking Joints Really Means
Are you constantly hearing your joints cracking lately? This may be something you didn’t notice in your younger years. But you may have the trouble of your joints cracking repeatedly throughout the day as you have gotten a few years older. This could be a...
Pro Tips On How to Become a Better Kisser
Kissing is one of the best joys in life and if you thought it’s a talent that one is just born with — you’re wrong. Practice, as you know, makes perfect, and in the case of kissing, practice is fun.