With the world in the state it’s currently in, it’s not a very farfetched idea to imagine that World War III is on the horizon.

With the world in the state it’s currently in, it’s not a very farfetched idea to imagine that World War III is on the horizon.
These survival hacks could make all the difference in an emergency situation.
From dying their hair with food condiments, to using school supplies for instant face lifts, celebrities get a bit strange with their beauty hacks. If you are ready to see just how off the wall celebs can get about preserving their looks, check out these 7 weirdest celebrity beauty hacks we’ve ever heard about.
Let’s take a look at some of these companies that don’t mind blood on their hands.
Economy has become one of the most important things in our global politics, so the rest of the world has taken it upon themselves to actively exclude Russia from as much financial systems as possible.
The brave Ukrainian army has been standing strong for ten long days, defending cities and, in some cases, even pushing the enemy troops back. But air raids and missile attacks are doing the most damage. This is where the no-fly zone comes in.
While some individuals have fled to neighboring countries, there are many people who didn’t get the chance to seek refugee status before the war or made the courageous decision to stay.
Nature is a beautiful thing, but it also has that weird scary side that we don’t like to be reminded of.
Politics and corruption go hand in hand pretty much like your first beer and second beer do.
When it comes to looks, society has given us an ideal image of what is and what isn’t attractive.