What they’d look like if they’d survive to present day?
Author: Hellen Gordon
Things Movies Always Get Wrong
Movies don’t always get things right. In fact, there aresome things that movies almost never do.
6 Amazing Male Beauty Bloggers to follow ASAP
With their expertise, personality, and amazing content, they have found a way to cut through the noise of their competitors.
8 Transgender Models Who Reshaped Fashion
As we progress as a society, we continue to push the boundaries of what is considered mainstream.
7 Actors That Turned Down Million Dollar Roles
Let’s take a look at some actors that turned down roles that later ended up being hugely successful at the box office.
The Top Pandemics We Have Survived
If you look at how often we’ve survived pandemics, it’s no wonder we’re so fast to recover after the Covid-19 pandemic.
9 Best Female Assassin Movies
There have been many great female assassin movies over the years, but some have stood out as especially cool.
The Worst Diseases You Can Get From a Dirty Gym
Exercise may be good for your health, but bad hygiene almost never is.
10 Creepy, Wild, And Unnerving Movie Facts You’ll Wish You Didn’t Know
As time passes, many great and iconic movies reveal interesting details about the shenanigans that were happening behind the scenes.
Animals That Can Kill Lions
Lions may be some of the most majestic creatures on the planet and the king of the jungle, that doesn’t mean that they’re the apex predator everywhere they go.