There’s a tale as old as time that whenever an ostrich gets scared, they bury their head in the sand. It’s probably one of the more widely known bits of animal trivia out there, so it only stands to reason that it’d be absolutely correct, right?

There’s a tale as old as time that whenever an ostrich gets scared, they bury their head in the sand. It’s probably one of the more widely known bits of animal trivia out there, so it only stands to reason that it’d be absolutely correct, right?
Seriously, how do people even get started on this?
Blondie, a lovebird from Venezuela, was born with a rare condition called PBFD — he also has a psittacine beak. Because of this condition, he was born with virtually no feathers, and cannot not fly like most birds.
Birds are generally pretty harmless. Flightless birds are another story altogether though. Since they don’t have the luxury of just flying away and leaving you unable to reach them, they’ve had to swap their “flight” to “fight” – literally.