Have you ever wondered what a person would experience if a giant anaconda attacked them?

Have you ever wondered what a person would experience if a giant anaconda attacked them?
For the longest time, giant squids were depicted as terrifying sea monsters, haunting people’s dreams in folk tales and legends. But today, we know exactly what they are.
The largest living frog on earth is The Goliath Frog, and it’s in danger of becoming extinct after its population size plummeted 50% over the last three generations. The main reason for this is human-induced activity.
The animal kingdom remains one of the most fascinating things on this planet.
You never know what kind of a monstrosity will pop out from the ocean’s depths but with this list your psyche will at least be a little bit more prepared.
Humans have always been fascinated by the regenerative capabilities of lizards and other living organisms because if we could figure out exactly how that process works and learn to reproduce it, our society would jump to a whole other level.
Australia is on fire. As unfortunate as that is, tragedy brings out the best in people and the current situation in Australia is just the case. Millions of dollars have been donated. Dozens of wildlife rescue centers are now open across the country that rehabilitate animals injured in wildfires. Hundreds of people are out there right now fighting the fires and saving the animals.
Ever wondered why orcas are called killer whales? Yeah, me too. Lucky for you I’m an expert, trust me, even without visiting an aquarium.
Our planet is filled with nasty, disgusting critters, and shipworms are probably in the top 10 of that category.
Blondie, a lovebird from Venezuela, was born with a rare condition called PBFD — he also has a psittacine beak. Because of this condition, he was born with virtually no feathers, and cannot not fly like most birds.