What would we be doing on the Internet if it wasn’t for cats, reaction videos, and memes? Especially memes. About cats… reacting to things? Anyway, memes are our way to fight the daily monotony, and therefore we must pay tribute to them! We use memes to express emotions, help to highlight a topic more poignantly, and sometimes relay ancient 90’s wisdom with a classic lolcat-era Ceiling Cat meme.
Let’s see what the top 13 most viral memes of all time look like!
Confused Cat
You’ve seen this meme all over the Internet, but did you know that the woman doesn’t really scream at some random cat? These two pics are absolutely unrelated, but the Internet loved the combo so much, it spawned millions of memes.

Bad Joke Eel
When you look at this eel, you can clearly see that he’s made a bad pun and now waiting for you to laugh at it. Not going to lie, this one gets me almost every time.

The sarcastic owl was first noticed saying its iconic “O RLY?” sometime in 2005 on 4chan of all places. In modern days it’s considered a fossil, so almost nobody uses it, but it’s still very fun to say out loud when someone asks you a stupid question.

Memes with animals have always been a gold mine, and the legendary ICanHasCheezburger blog made quite a lot of money on this basic concept: post a cute cat or dog pic, come up with a relatable message, and boom, you’re popular on the Internet!

Rick Astley has been bamboozling people with his hit song “Never Gonna Give You Up” for over 15 years. There were times when clicking on a random link, and getting rickrolled felt worse than getting a nasty trojan virus.

Dramatic chipmunk
This epic 5-second clip of a prairie dog turning its little head in the most dramatic way possible was first shown in a Japanese home video TV show in 2007. After that, the world has been using it left and right!

Back in 2008, some genius used the template of a velociraptor with his claw under the chin, and so the philosoraptor was born. Today he’s writing for the Shower Thoughts Reddit page, mostly.

Nyan Cat
A combination of an 8-bit kitty with a really catchy tune became one of the most viral YouTube videos of 2011. Good luck trying to get this song out of your head!

Bad Luck Brian
The recipe is simple: take a funny school photo, add a funny caption, and upload it to the Internet! That’s exactly what happened to Kyle, who became an Internet celebrity almost overnight.

Such meme, very viral, much funny! The year is 2013, a kindergarten teacher from Japan uploaded a photo of her Shiba-Inu, named Kabosu. With that look and his natural charisma, Kabosu quickly went viral.

Evil Kermit
To every Ying there’s a Yang, so even your favorite muppet has a dark side. It’s like having an evil version of yourself on your shoulder, but funny. And did you know that Evil Kermit is an actual character from “Muppets: Most Wanted”?

Whenever you want to express that you prefer one thing over another, there’s a good chance you’ll use the Drake meme.

Distracted Boyfriend
Similarly to the Drakespotting, this is a very simple meme about choosing one thing over the other, but this one has so much more personality!