Guy Admits to Keeping His Girlfriend a Secret Because of Her Weight


While we like to pretend that we live in a society where being plus size doesn’t matter anymore, the truth is that there’s still a lot of prejudice when it comes to people with some extra weight. Alin knows all about that. He met a girl, Maria, on social media – as you do these days – and started a relationship with her, but stumbled upon the problem of her weight. Not because he minded how big his girlfriend was, but because he was scared of how people would react.

Alin liked Maria a lot but makes no secret of how difficult it was for him to accept his relationship with her. It took him almost a year to admit and fully commit to the relationship. Maria didn’t find this to be a problem because at that point she was used to it and it was on par with what she’d experienced over the years. Apparently a lot of men are into thicker ladies but pretty much all of them are afraid to admit that they are.

Despite the couple still being subject to harsh comments online, they don’t let it get between them. Alin claims that despite the negativity he knows what his truth is and continues to find his girlfriend beautiful the way she is. Maria is less affected by the negative comments as she’s somewhat used to them by now and had to get confident at a very young age to deal with remarks about her weight. Thankfully, both Alin and Maria are probably smarter than the average Redditor that probably has a lot to say about this relationship based on a few pictures. That also helps.

Another problem that the couple tackles perfectly is the issue with clothes. Maria’s size doesn’t allow her to just walk into any store she wants to, so Alin learnt to sew in a month so he could make beautiful clothes for his girlfriend. There’s not a lot of men that would go to such extreme lengths to give their girlfriend even more clothes, so this definitely shows how great a guy Alin is. If Maria now sees something she can’t buy in stores, she just asks Alin to make it for her and he makes it happen.

They openly share their love life on social media because they just want someone to see their story and realize that love is love. No matter who you are or what you look like, Alin and Maria show us that it’s okay to love someone else and you shouldn’t care about how the outside world reacts to it. If everyone’s happy and nobody is hurting anyone, what’s the problem?
