What Is Doppelbanging and Why You Should Care?


Have you ever heard the term “doppelganger?” It means a person or even an apparition that looks just like another person. Well, as you might have guessed, the “doppelbanger” implies the same vibe but with a twist.

Usually, people look for certain traits when it comes to dating others. Some like the bimbo/himbo types, others prefer neatly cut hair and elegant clothes, and then there are furries, but let’s not talk about them. In other words, everyone is looking for something, and that “something” may very well be the alternate version of themselves. Hence you’d be dating yourself, aka your “doppelbanger.” Don’t you just love the English language for how versatile it is?

John Lenon | What Is Doppelbanging and Why You Should Care? | Zestradar

There was always this notion that people are looking for comfort in a relationship, and usually, that comfort comes in the form of a mother or father or someone you’ve known your whole life — yourself. This is why finding out you have common interests with someone feels so great.

You may not notice it yet, but more and more couples, especially of the celebrity kind, mirror each other. They wear similar clothes, do their hair in the same way, and some even use makeup tricks. Maybe it’s to confuse the paparazzi? Nope, these couples are doppelbanging.

Kristen Stewart| What Is Doppelbanging and Why You Should Care? | Zestradar

Let’s take Kristen Stewart and her lovely fiancée Dylan Meyer as an example. If you’re not looking too hard, you could easily mix them up in a club or a store. Their blonde hair, stature, and height are almost an exact match!

Courtney Cox | What Is Doppelbanging and Why You Should Care? | Zestradar

Here’s another stellar couple — Courteney Cox and Johnny McDaid from Snow Patrol. Do you see the resemblance?

Benedict Cumberbatch | What Is Doppelbanging and Why You Should Care? | Zestradar

Same with Justin Timberlake / Jessica Biel and Benedict Cumberbatch / Sophie Hunter. It’s all in the facial features and maybe a little bit of posture.  

Gisele Bundchen | What Is Doppelbanging and Why You Should Care? | Zestradar

For some reason, Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady are also considered to be doppelbangers of each other. Maybe it’s the jawline or the strong cheeks? I guess I could see them being long-lost cousins.

Let’s talk some science. There was a study in 2013 in which Norwegian scientists showed test subjects slightly altered pictures of their partner’s face to see which combination of changes they thought to be the most appealing. No surprise here; the participants almost always went for the “oh hey, that’s me, and I look good” option.

So take it or leave it, but you might be dating your own doppelbanger, and that’s normal.
