Top 6 Most Overrated Tourist Attractions


If you are an avid traveler, then there are likely many destinations on your travel bucket list. This could include destinations all over the world, from popular places to little known hideaways. But for every attraction that is worth the effort of traveling across the world for, there are some places that really aren’t as great as you may think. Of course, this is all about perspective. One person’s subpar travel destination can be another traveler’s treasure. So this is all up to personal opinion, but some of these places have turned out to be a lot less memorable than all the hype surrounding them. There is a difference between overly popular destinations and those that are just not worth the trip. Of course, if you are visiting Paris for the first time, the Eiffel Tower is a must see, or Time Square in New York City. But these particular destinations are a few places that may be better off unchecked if they do happen to be on your travel bucket list. Many of them may even cost a pretty penny, when there are plenty of other worthwhile destinations that will only cost you the trip to get there. If you are ready to learn more about the destinations that may need some hesitation, check out these top 6 most overrated tourist attractions. 

Burj Khalifa in Dubai

This particular destination may be a matter of taste, as some may want to visit the building that is on record as the tallest in the world. But the price to see the view is apparently $100 per person to get to the top 148th floor, and that just may not be worth it to some travelers.

Burj Khalifa | Top 6 Most Overrated Tourist Attractions | Zestradar

Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts, USA

Plymouth Rock is legendary as the first arrival point the Pilgrims, and where America started. But it is very anti-climactic in reality–one, because it is just a simple rock, and two, because historically, America was already very much thriving as Native American land way before the arrival of the Pilgrims. 

Plymouth Rock | Top 6 Most Overrated Tourist Attractions | Zestradar

South Beach in Miami, USA

Miami is definitely a city worth visiting, but the beach that gave it the reputation it has today has become very overcrowded, dirty and less scenic over the years. There are alot of other beaches around the city that are more beautiful and less crowded, giving you the chance to really enjoy the ambiance. 

South Beach, Miami  | Top 6 Most Overrated Tourist Attractions | Zestradar

Phuket in Thailand

Before Thailand became a destination for inexpensive fun, Phuket may have been a more pleasant place to vacation. Now many of its public beaches are overrun by miles of trash and debris. The only nice beaches in the area are the private expensive ones; or the Phi Phi Islands, which aren’t actually in Phuket. 

Phuket in Thailand | Top 6 Most Overrated Tourist Attractions | Zestradar

Taj Mahal, India

This is another destination that many tourists will likely go visit regardless, but there are aspects of this attraction that make it lack luster. The Taj Mahal is a huge tourist destination and is overrun with people constantly. But it was actually built as a tomb and place of remembrance, which makes its incessant over population a discredit to the serenity and respect of its true meaning. 

Taj Mahal  | Top 6 Most Overrated Tourist Attractions | Zestradar

Wall Drug Store at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, USA

Mount Rushmore may still be a destination worth traveling to for some tourists, but the Wall Drug Store outside of this attraction is a bit of an over sell. While the thousands of signs advertising that you will arrive at Wall Drug Store soon are entertaining. But the actual store is just full of endless gimmicks that are a real let down, unless you are into that sort of thing. 

Wall Drug Store | Top 6 Most Overrated Tourist Attractions | Zestradar
