Rumeysa Gelgi: Embracing Height and World Records


Imagine holding not just one or two, but five world records! That’s the incredible reality for Rumeysa Gelgi, a woman from Turkey who has captured global attention as the tallest living woman.

Early Life and Weaver Syndrome

Rumeysa was born with an extremely rare genetic mutation called Weaver syndrome. This condition triggers rapid body growth, often leading to restricted joint movement and fragile bones. Before turning 5, Rumeysa underwent two major surgeries to finally take her first steps with the assistance of a walker.

From “Tallest Teen” to “Tallest Woman”

In 2014, Rumeysa earned the title of “the world’s tallest living female teenager” by reaching a height of 7 feet 0.09 inches (213.6 cm) at the age of 17. In 2021, she grew to a height of 7 feet 0.7 inches (215.16 cm), securing the title of “the tallest woman living.”

Due to her tall stature and medical condition, Rumeysa often uses a wheelchair for mobility. However, she’s committed to focusing on the positive side of life and making the most out of every day. “Every disadvantage can be turned into an advantage for yourself, so accept yourself for who you are, be aware of your potential, and do your best,” she shared in an interview with Guinness.

One Woman, Five World Records

Beyond her two world titles for height, Rumeysa achieved three more world records. She holds the record for the longest finger on a living female (4.40 inches/11cm), the largest female hands (right hand 9.81 inches/24,9cm, left hand 9.55 inches/24,2cm), and the longest back on a female (23.58 inches/59,89cm). She refused to let anything hinder her pursuit of her dreams.

Overcoming Challenges and Inspiring Others

Despite facing physical challenges, Rumeysa completed her education through homeschooling. With a passion for the tech industry, she taught herself web development and is now a skilled Front-End Developer. She’s also an advocate and researcher. In her leisure time, she enjoys swimming, shopping, exploring new places, and spending time with her cat.
