So first off, I know what you’re thinking. How in the bloody heck does one get their face tattooed without noticing it’s happening? Well, according to Taylor White, she doesn’t remember any of it happening but just woke up after her 21st birthday in a hotel room with her face hurting and being filled with horrible tattoos. That’s the story she’s telling, so that’s the story we’re going to stick to for now.

Initially, she tried hiding them with make-up, but the tattoos started to show through, and her boss offered the probably best solution at the time: just have the tattoos get blacked in completely.

She kept getting turned down for jobs because of her horrible face tattoos, and she did what every sane unemployed person would do in this day and age: she started streaming. A random user stumbled upon her stream, listened to her life’s story, and decided Taylor could use a bit of help.
He offered to pay for all expenses regarding her tattoo removal and even helped her reach out to a bunch of clinics to help with the procedure. After hearing the story, a laser tattoo-removal company called “Removery” agreed to have Taylor’s tats (which would be a great name for a tattoo parlor shop) removed for free.
The tattoo removal could take up to 2 years to fully complete, but Taylor wants people to know she’s not doing this for just her looks. She sees the face tattoo as a part of herself that she no longer represents (or, if she sticks by her story, never did in the first place) and wants to have removed it to reflect that.

Once Taylor has the procedure done, she wants to use her experience and how it helped her grow as a person to help other people. She wants to get a job where she can help people with their mental health, and I’m sure we can all imagine she’s had quite the struggle in that field herself ever since she got those face tattoos. Hopefully, she can restart her life now!