In the most recent Presidential election, people finally started realizing that voting for Trump was not the right way to go. What’s strange is that even after directly praising Putin for invading Ukraine, he still has millions of supporters, including many celebrities. But his past misdeeds have made some of the biggest names on Trump’s platform run like hell.
Let’s find out which celebrities jumped ship and why.
1. Tom Brady
The pride of the New England Patriots, Tom Brady, has a lot of history with Donald Trump. They’ve been supporting each other for years. First, there was the infamous deflate-gate, then they did some friendly golfing, and then Brady endorsed Trump’s candidacy. But things started to fall apart when Trump gave the quarterback flack for protesting against police during one of the games. After Tom’s team won the Super Bowl, they refused to visit the White House. Being a spoiled child, Donald didn’t even mention Brady’s name that day.

2. Caitlyn Jenner
Back in 2016, Caitlyn was a hardcore Trump admirer. She was hoping that maybe during his presidency, some of the most glaring LGBTQ+ issues would be resolved. Still, a few weeks after moving into the Oval Office, Trump “suddenly” repealed the promised protections granted to transgender students via Title IX. To add insult to injury, Trump then banned transgender people from joining the army, which ultimately crossed all the remaining t’s for Caitlyn. Imagine going back on your promises like that and then inviting the person you betrayed to play some golf. Too bad for Trump, Jenner’s loyalty was and still is with the LGBTQ+ community. Time to lose that MAGA hat, Caitlyn!

3. Kanye West
Speaking of MAGA hats, do you remember how proudly Kanye was rocking that cap in 2016? Well, the artist threw that piece of trash away in July 2020 when he decided he would be throwing his own hat (pardon the pun) into the presidential ring. Even though Kanye and Trump kept up their social appearances for years, the rapper went as far as deleting all his tweets endorsing the ex-president. The silver lining is that Kanye only managed to get around 60k votes before backing out completely on election night. The artist claims this was just a test run and that he’s destined to become President in 2024.

4. Dave Chappelle
Stand-up comedians usually don’t take sides in political rivalries and go after all parties. According to Dave Chappelle, that’s exactly what happened right after the 2016 election. On that fateful Friday night, Dave Chappelle did a nice chill set in New York, where he admitted to voting for Hillary. However, a HuffPost source claimed that Chappelle’s set was very much pro-Trump. Dave had to set the record straight before the rumors spread like wildfire. Here’s the quote from his representative: “Dave is disgusted by the tone of the election and especially by the idea that his comedy would be misconstrued to defend Trump.”

5. Bryan Cranston
It’s public knowledge that Bryan Cranston did not give his vote to Trump in 2016, but many fans forget that the actor also claimed he didn’t want Trump to fail. Because that would be bad? Who knows. There’s probably some context we’re missing. Thankfully, in April 2020, Bryan snapped out of it and started questioning Trump’s sanity. As you may remember, that’s around the time when the ex-president was telling people injecting disinfectant could help fight COVID-19. We certainly can’t blame Cranston for calling that plan crazy.

6. Aaron Carter
At first, Carter was so pro-Trump, he dissed his Twitter followers for saying bad things about the soon-to-be president. He even resorted to the “I’m smart, and you’re all dumb” argument, which really speaks volumes. But his infatuation with mister Moneybags didn’t last very long, as Trump’s policies on LGBTQ+ and immigration were not to any sane person’s liking, including Carter. The swift reversal was probably the smartest play Aaron’s ever made.

7. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Schwarzenegger has always voted for the Republicans ever since he became a US citizen in 1983. The actor/governor didn’t seem to have issues with Donald Trump before the Access Hollywood tape was released. But once all the details were out in the open, there was no need to tolerate the future POTUS. In addition to that, Schwarzenegger started hosting The Apprentice in 2016, and Trump tried to blast the Terminator on Twitter in January 2017, saying how the ratings used to be much higher when he was hosting the show. That’s not petty at all, right?