Then And Now Photos Of Our Favorite Characters So You Can Feel Old


We’ve all grown up watching a bunch of shows and movies that have received a legendary status. And while they might feel like they only happened a few years ago, time sadly doesn’t work that way. The world moved on and we all grew a lot older.

To illustrate this sad fact, let’s look at some pictures of the actors that played those famous characters. If you catch a glimpse of what they look now compared to their character, you’ll instantly realize that a huge amount has passed since then.

Ted And Robin from How I Met Your Mother

Ted Mosby even has facial hair now! And his hair is looking pretty grey as well. Cobie Smulders has been mostly playing female Nick Fury in the MCU so I guess her transition to a slightly older person hasn’t been as sudden as Josh’s. They look so mature and grown up now, it’s kind of insane.

Ted and Robin from How I met Your Mother | Then And Now Photos Of Our Favorite Characters So You Can Feel Old | Zestradar

The Friends Cast

While the show might not get much older, the actors sure did. The first episodes go all the way back to the early nineties, which pretty much means all the actors are now over 25 years older. The original fans have now all made children that are at the age where they watch the show for the first time. That’s how old this show is.

Friends | Then And Now Photos Of Our Favorite Characters So You Can Feel Old | Zestradar

Charlie’s Angels

Drew, Cameron and Lucy will always look like they’re 20 years old, but now they look more 28 than 23. There’s nothing wrong with that of course, especially considering the Charlie’s Angels movie was over 20 years ago. Looking like you’re in your 20s for 20 years seems like a feat many women would be jealous of.

Charlie's Angels | Then And Now Photos Of Our Favorite Characters So You Can Feel Old | Zestradar

Summer and Julie from The O.C.

Yeah, you forgot how long ago this was, didn’t you? The last episode was almost 15 years ago, so make sure to let that sink in for a while so you can really feel old. Rachel and Melinda still look great, especially considering Rachel is approaching 40 and the forever young Melinda is already over 50 years old.

Summer and Julie from the O.C.  | Then And Now Photos Of Our Favorite Characters So You Can Feel Old | Zestradar

The Sex and the City Girls

There’s a lot to be said about the seemingly perpetual youthfulness of Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon, but even these three can’t deny that time sure has moved on since those very first seasons of Sex and the City aired.

Sex and The City | Then And Now Photos Of Our Favorite Characters So You Can Feel Old | Zestradar

The Modern Family Cast

The show in itself has been going on long enough to see the actors slowly but surely grow old, but especially the evolution the kids have gone through has been massive. We’ve basically seen them go through puberty on screen. They cancelled the show last year after its umpteenth season, but the first episodes already go back to 2009. Just imagine that.

The Modern Family | Then And Now Photos Of Our Favorite Characters So You Can Feel Old | Zestradar

The Malfoy Family

Let’s not forget that the last Harry Potter movie was already ten whole years ago. A full decade. Granted, the new books, plays and awesome Fantastic Beasts movies have sort of made us forget about this, but we don’t even hate Draco Malfoy anymore. That’s how long it’s been.  

The Malfoy Family | Then And Now Photos Of Our Favorite Characters So You Can Feel Old | Zestradar

Lois & Clark

Before we had a big DC movie universe, all we had was Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. It wasn’t a particularly good show, but there was nothing else to compare it with so we let it be. Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher sure didn’t mind, because it was the focal point of their career for half a decade. But yes, even this legendary show stopped airing back in 1997. If you want to know how long ago that is: there were only 150 Pokémon back then.

Lois and Clark | Then And Now Photos Of Our Favorite Characters So You Can Feel Old | Zestradar
