With the world in the state it’s currently in, it’s not a very farfetched idea to imagine that World War III is on the horizon. Russia has already primed their nuclear arsenal and the west seems to find themselves performing Olympic levels of mental gymnastics to not get directly involved in Ukraine’s defense. If this situation keeps up, a new world war seems all but unavoidable.
Assuming the next world war is approaching our doorstep, let’s take a look at which countries will support which, going by the information we have now.
Pro-Russia: Belarus
If there’s ever been a country out there that isn’t really pulling any punches when it comes to showing support for the Russian motherland, it’s Belarus. They’ve already allowed Russians to attack Ukraine from their territory and despite them claiming the contrary there have been rumors of Belarusian soldiers fighting Ukraine alongside the Russians.

Pro-Ukraine: The EU
Despite their hesitance right now, it’s pretty much set in stone that when this situation escalates for people not living in Ukraine, the EU will step in and fight against Russia. The only thing we can hope by then is that it’s not too late for the Ukrainian people.

Pro-Russia: China
This is a bit of a guess since they’re pretty neutral right now, but China has ideologically always had more in common with Russia than the West. The only reason China may not end up actively supporting Russia is that they fear economic measures a whole lot more than the Russians do, and they may decide that it’s not worth it in the end.

Pro-Ukraine: the US
Well, I know I’m saying “pro-Ukraine” but we really should phrase this “anti-Russia”. They’re not really supporting Ukraine as much as they’re preventing Russia from getting even stronger and it’s getting pretty obvious at this point that as long as the Russians stop at just taking Ukraine, the US isn’t going to step in.

Pro-Russia: North Korea
They voted against the UN resolution to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine, so it’s fair to assume that when it all comes down to it they’ll be on the Russian side of the fence. Even if the war isn’t successful for their side, the propaganda stories are sure to be something to remember in the history books.

Pro-Ukraine: Honestly, Most Countries
The UN pretty much unanimously voted in favor of Ukraine, so going by those numbers that means at least 141 countries will be on their side with 35 still undecided and only 4 on the side of Russia. No matter how you put it, there’s no way Russia is going to win that confrontation.

Pro-Russia: Syria
Syria is another country that voted against condemning the Russian attack on Ukraine and they’ve recently sent some “volunteers” to Ukraine to help fight for the Russians. But don’t forget, if the NATO countries would do anything similar they’d be actively getting involved in the war and Putin would drop a nuke on them. Must be nice to live in a world where that logic flies.