When it comes to looks, society has given us an ideal image of what is and what isn’t attractive. Despite all our limitations as human beings and this thing called genetics, we try our very hardest to adhere to this image (or one of those images, if you will) as best we can. If we have a feature that falls from this norm, it’s often considered ugly or less attractive. But is that always true?
We’re going to take a deep dive into the world of quirky attractive things and look at some on-paper unattractive traits that are actually usually deemed very attractive by the opposite sex. Come join me.
Short Height
Especially with men, it’s often considered that to be attractive you have to be of average height – preferably taller. When it all comes down to it though, women have little to no issue with smaller height. And let’s be honest, it’s not exactly something you can do anything about, is it?

Crow’s Feet
Often associated with a tired or old look, crow’s feet are actually perceived as something that is spontaneous and sweet. It makes you look more authentic as crow’s feet are one of the few things when it comes to facial expressions that can’t be faked in any way – you have to be genuinely smiling for them to appear.

Big Nose
The nose, like the ears, is one of the few things in our bodies that never stop growing until the day we die. It’s the thing that gives old people that real defining look. When it comes to big noses however, there’s apparently this stereotype that people with a narrow chin and big nose are more intelligent. There’s no real scientific truth to this, but if people believe it science is often quickly cast aside.

Dad Bod
We finally did it, guys. We managed to make a man’s physique without rock-hard abs attractive. There’s a small caveat though: a dad bod does require that you still look somewhat in shape, you just don’t actually have to be in shape anymore. So skip the core exercises, do an extra half hour of cardio, and you’re golden, lads!

Back in the day when nerds were shunned by society people would go to great lengths to avoid having to wear glasses all the time. Now they’re seen as a sign of intellect and class, to the point where people that could be wearing contact lenses are actively choosing to get glasses. Oh, how the times have changed.

Big Forehead
Big foreheads usually aren’t seen as a good thing, but many of the people we find attractive actually have some above-average foreheads. There’s no real link between a big forehead and having more intelligence, but it’s honestly not a bad story to try and tell people anyway. Might as well own it completely, right?

Pointy Ears
I don’t mean Legolas-ears, but just ears that get pointy at the top and aren’t nice and round. In some countries it’s actually become a popular demand in cosmetic surgery to get your ears made pointier because it would make you look smarter and make the face look somewhat smaller. I’m not sure If I buy that, but I guess it can’t hurt, right?