Presidential Menu: World Leaders’ Favorite Foods


The personal life of different world leaders has always been a subject of interest for many people. Where do they live, what do they eat, what kind of sports are they into? Is it true that the presidents eat only black caviar and lobster, or do they prefer regular food? Of course, it is not a fact that they’ll tell us the whole truth because they want to seem as close to the people as possible, but their menus are still quite interesting.

1. Joe Biden

Let’s start with the newly-elected POTUS — Joe Biden. We know he doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke and prefers desserts to mashed potatoes and pork chops. So what’s his favorite sweet snack? According to one of the interviews, it’s a specific ice cream flavor: Jeni’s Salted Peanut Butter with Chocolate Flecks. It’s not caviar but sure sounds delicious!

Joe Biden | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar

2. Donald Trump

The ex-President of the United States is not a supporter of healthy eating and does not limit himself in calories. Steaks, pasta, greasy hamburgers — now that sounds like a heart-attack waiting to happen! Trump’s favorite dishes include fried fish fillets, well-done steak, scrambled eggs and bacon, vanilla cherry ice cream, and Mexican tacos.

Donald Trump  | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar

3. Emmanuel Macron

The French leader’s favorite dish is cordon blue. It’s basically a breaded veal schnitzel stuffed with cheese and ham for those of us who never had one. While that also sounds like overkill, Macron’s diet is carefully monitored by his wife, who limits his menu, cutting out sausages and other processed foods from their daily ration.

Emmanuel Macron | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar

4. Kim Jong Il

North Korea’s leader loves the traditional Swiss cheese Emmental, but due to his excess weight, he is forced to limit its consumption. Fancy coffee is also on Kim’s daily menu, even though you won’t find a single coffee shop in North Korea. Oh, and let’s not forget the most gruesome dish out of all of these  — shark fin soup! No one lives forever, big boy.

Kim Jong Il  | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar

5. Queen Elizabeth II

During her reign, Elizabeth II was very conservative about her menu. In over 60 years, not much has changed in it. According to the royal chef, Elizabeth is far from a gourmet. Her favorite food is a chocolate pie with cinnamon, closely followed by a venison steak. Can’t blame the Queen for enjoying great cuisine!

Queen Elizabeth II  | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar

6. Angela Merkel

The German Chancellor prefers homecooked meals that she prepares herself. Frau Merkel’s favorite food is potato soup and meatball soup. For Christmas, she expects nothing less than a crispy goose from the oven and a hearty potato salad.

Angela Merkel  | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar

7. Justin Trudeau

The Prime Minister of Canada doesn’t mind pampering himself with a hamburger and a beer. But no coffee for this guy because apparently, he doesn’t know what’s the proper way to drink it. Trudeau drank gallons of that black stuff during his student days, hoping to stay awake, but it just didn’t work on him.

Justin Trudeau  | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar

8. Richard Nixon

Many Americans still remember Nixon’s weird love for ketchup. The fact that he’d smear it over pineapples and cottage cheese is enough for me to question his sanity. But then again, that’s pretty much the Hawaiian pizza recipe.

Richard Nixon  | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar

9. Winston Churchill

Table etiquette was Churchill’s number one fetish, it seems. Everything had to be served in the right way, with the right plates and utensils. He once turned down a cup of pudding because he “couldn’t hear the music.” I’d say it’s a good thing that your desserts don’t sing to you. Either way, his menu included lots of cheese, oysters, champagne, whisky, venison roast, and something for dessert. Probably that vocal pudding.

Winston Churchill  | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar

10. Barack Obama

A typical lunch for the ex-president of the United States was a regular old sandwich. Obama admitted that he hates beets and prefers broccoli. It’s still more greens that Bush-junior or Trump could tolerate, so it’s a win!

Brack Obama  | Presidential Menu: World Leaders' Favorite Foods | Zestradar
