When it comes to health and fitness, we’ve seen a lot of myths about our bodies pop up on the internet. The simple fact is that a lot of mechanisms of our body are still somewhat unknown to us, and what better place to ramble on about wild theories than the kingdom of Lord Google?
Anyway, since science is still a thing, we can easily debunk some of the myths that have been around for years. Let’s take a look at some of them and why they’re wrong.
We Swallow 8 Spiders A Year In Our Sleep
This simply doesn’t happen. Spiders couldn’t care less about entering our mouths, especially with all that heavy breathing going on. Odds of you waking up when a spider walks on your face are infinitely higher than that spider wanting to make a nest inside of your mouth.

You Can’t Swim After Eating
The myth that you’d drown if you swim 30 minutes after eating is just that – a myth. At worst it’ll make your stomach ache. So while it’s not very ideal to go swimming right after dinner, there’s nothing life-threatening about it either.

The Tongue Has 6 Taste Zones
In fact, our tongue has 5000 to 10000 taste buds waiting to taste all sorts of things. The taste zones seem to be more of a brain perception thing, where we assume a certain zone tastes certain things because we “feel” like it does. In reality, the entire tongue can taste all flavors equally.

Carrots Improve Your Vision
Carrots do have a lot of vitamin A in them which improves your night vision, but they’re far from the only source of vitamin A. And while vitamin A will help keep your eyesight in good condition, it can’t improve it. It’s not a cure for blindness, people.

Shaved Hair Comes Back Thicker And Darker
Good news for cyclists all over the world! The hair doesn’t come back thicker and darker, the tips just haven’t been exposed to natural elements yet. There’s no link whatsoever between shaving and hair coming back thicker, so feel free to shave as often as you want to.

White Teeth Are Healthier
White teeth just have more enamel on them, but that’s about it. You could have the healthiest teeth in the world with less enamel, or you could have the whitest teeth in the world that still aren’t very healthy. There’s nothing inherently wrong with having less enamel thickness.

You Get Arthritis From Cracking Your Knuckles
While this one isn’t true, cracking your knuckles has been shown to weaken your grip over time. If that doesn’t bother you and the arthritis was the only thing holding you back, feel free to crack those bad boys whenever you want.