One of the worst things that can happen to a person is be in a situation of need in the middle of nowhere. You’ll usually have no phone reception and you’ll be left to your own devices. Once you get stuck in that kind of situation, odds are you’re probably not getting out.
Your phone not having reception doesn’t mean it can’t be useful though. Here’s a few survival apps that could potentially save your life one day.
Avenza Maps
I know what you’re thinking – you already have a maps app. This one has actual offline maps though, so you’ll still be able to orient yourself even when your mobile internet isn’t working like it should. It also has maps for a lot of park areas, which is usually where Google Maps fails us.

Viewranger GPS & Topo Maps
This also has your GPS mapped location without needing to use internet, but there’s an added bonus to it. If you’re in a very rocky area and you can read a topographical map (which you really should if you’re gonna go out hiking in the middle of nowhere), this app also has topographical maps. That way you could even orient yourself on the hills and mountains without needing to know the name of the street you’re in.

Red Cross First Aid App
You may not always be lost, you may just be injured. This app will give you some expert advice in the palm of your hand so you can treat your injury and get to a safe place so you can get proper medical attention. It sounds a bit dramatic to have this app on your phone, but it’s better to have it and not need it I guess.

Army Survival App
Okay so, this isn’t as much an app as it is an encyclopedia of everything you may or may not need to know when you’re going out on a hike. It has information on how to treat injuries, how to take shelter in case of a storm, how to hide from dangerous animals and which plants you can or can’t eat. It’s the ultimate guide to staying alive in the wild. The only downside is that it’s about 1400 pages so it may benefit you to take a look at some sections before you actually leave so you know where to find the information.

Unlike regular GPS apps, this app is just gonna get you where you need to go while taking into account how you want to get there. If you ever get annoyed at a GPS that thinks you want to get off the highway as soon as possible and take 25 minutes longer to get to your destination, you’re probably going to love what CoPilot has to offer.