If you’re walking around the beach, you can usually find some weird things lying in the sand. Most of it is dead or was never alive to begin with, but ever so often someone runs into something that makes your heart skip a few beats. This is exactly what happened to a swimmer in Mexico as he was walking down the beach.
Imagine trying to get some swimming done on a sunny day, not a worry on your mind. You walk out the water, pass the shore thinking of how awesome life is, and then it suddenly happens. Out in the distance you can see a shape you don’t recognize so you do what any modern human would do and you grab your phone to go take a picture (wait a minute – who goes swimming in the sea with their phone?). As you get closer, a creature from the abyss starts to reveal itself to your weary and terrified eyes.

With your brain still trying to process what is happening in front of you, you ease closer step by step. You don’t want to startle this creature because then who would upload this sweet footage to the internet? The creature turns and rears its head. The sound it produces can only be described as … barking? What?

That’s right, the mighty creature of the sea that struck terror into the hearts of mortal men turned out to be nothing else but a wet, long-haired dog. And it looked like it was actually very happy to be there. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m just happy that it wasn’t an actual sea creature and just turned out to be a dog’s behind. I guess we don’t need to call in the experts to deal with that kind of situation.
Apparently this creature fooled millions of people on the internet, which just tells me that more people need to start interacting with dogs. And the internet may need to start considering an intelligence check.