10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season


Summer is an amazing time for travels, playing fun games outside, or just chilling under AC blasting cold air at your neck. But even if summer is your favorite season, there are certain problems that can only be solved with lifehacks.

Here are the top ten summer hacks that will get you through the hottest season!

1. Deodorant vs. antiperspirant

For some reason, not everyone knows that deodorants are meant to mask body odor, while antiperspirants will stop your skin from sweating. I don’t know who needed to hear this today, but you are welcome.

Deodorant vs. antiperspirant | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar

2. Face mask summer hack

You know how annoying it can get wearing a face mask in the summer heat. Your face gets sweaty and hot; the skin gets irritated; it’s hard to breathe. That’s when you use inserts for your mask that will separate it from your skin. Alternatively, you can use skincare face masks for a little extra hydration.

Face Mask Summer Hack | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar

3. Grilled watermelon

Don’t knock it till you try it. We all know that sprinkling salt on the juicy watermelon is the best thing that ever happened to that oversized berry, so why not give grilling a shot? The smoky flavor will win you over in a single bite.

Grilled Watermelon | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar

4. DIY cold pack

Here’s another zip-lock bag hack. Grab a zip-lock bag (obviously) and fill it with rubbing alcohol and water in equal proportions. Now it’s freezer time! The alcohol prevents water from freezing, so now you can have an ice-cold compress on-demand.

DIY Cold pack  | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar

5. Ice coffee cubes

Adding ice cubes to your piping-hot coffee may sound like a great idea, but there’s an even better one. Pour the leftover dark bean juice into an ice cube tray and shove it into the freezer. This way, you’ll get more coffee in your morning cup instead of diluting it with regular water.

Ice Coffee Cubes | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar

6. Roll your clothes

This is not necessarily a summer hack, but it pays off the most during hot months, as you don’t need to pack a lot of clothes for a potential trip. Rolling your t-shirts and dresses will save room in your bag, and you’ll be able to bring more souvenirs from your vacation!

Roll Your Clothes | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar

7. Baby powder vs. sand

This hack is pretty simple: to get rid of that coarse beach sand that gets everywhere, all you have to do is dust the body part in question with baby powder. The sand will peel off like a sticky note, and the moisture will be thoroughly absorbed.

Baby Powder vs. sand  | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar

8. Frosty sheets

If your house doesn’t have an air conditioner, you probably sweat your butt off during summer. Here’s what you do: fold your bedsheet into a plastic zip-lock bag and put it in the freezer. Then when the time comes, grab that frosty cloth and chill out.

Frosty sheets  | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar

9. Cooling facial masks

If you put hydrating facial masks in the fridge, you’ll always have a quick way to fight off the heat. They also work wonders if you got sunburnt.

Cooling Face Mask  | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar

10. Hydration

The number one rule of sizzling-hot summer is “drink water.” If you get dehydrated, you’ll feel weak, dizzy, and sometimes hazy, which on its own is not ideal and may result in further health issues. Always keep a water bottle at your side, especially if you go outside in the afternoon. Moreover, special apps can help you monitor your water intake and notify you when it’s time to take a sip. Super easy hack!

Hydration  | 10 Summer Hacks That Will Get You Through The Hottest Season | Zestradar
