10 Strangest Rules NFL Cheerleaders Have To Follow


Have you ever wondered what it takes to be an NFL cheerleader? Beyond the dazzling performances, the bright smiles, and the captivating routines lies a world that many don’t see—a world governed by strict rules and unique requirements. The life of an NFL cheerleader is not just about showing up on game day and performing in front of thousands of fans. It involves rigorous training, intense scrutiny, and adherence to a set of guidelines that are as surprising as they are demanding.

Maintaining a flawless appearance is just the beginning. Cheerleaders must navigate a myriad of regulations that dictate everything from their grooming routines to their social media presence. Cheerleaders must consistently meet the incredibly high standards for physical fitness and beauty, often undergoing regular weigh-ins and fitness evaluations. Some teams closely monitor their diet, imposing bizarre eating guidelines to ensure they maintain their physique.

In addition to physical requirements, NFL cheerleaders face restrictions on their personal lives. They must be mindful of their behavior both on and off the field, as their actions reflect not only on themselves but also on the entire organization. Social media use is often heavily regulated, with guidelines on what they can post and how they interact with fans. Even their relationships can come under scrutiny, with some teams enforcing rules about dating.

The world of NFL cheerleading is one of contrasts: the glamorous exterior hides a regimented and demanding lifestyle. The rules may seem strange and, at times, intrusive, but they are part of what it takes to become and remain an NFL cheerleader. These regulations ensure that the cheerleaders not only look the part but also represent the team and the league with the utmost professionalism.

Here are some of the strange and surprising rules that NFL cheerleaders often have to follow, offering a glimpse into the rigorous and sometimes bizarre world behind those dazzling performances.

1. Perfect weight

Many former cheerleaders revealed that they were required to maintain a certain weight, a requirement enforced through regular and often stressful weigh-ins. These weigh-ins were conducted frequently, adding significant pressure to ensure they met the strict weight criteria set by their teams. Failing to meet these weight requirements could result in various penalties, ranging from extra workouts to potential suspension or even dismissal from the squad. This constant scrutiny over their weight added an extra layer of stress and anxiety to an already demanding role, highlighting the intense pressure cheerleaders face to maintain their physical appearance.

2. Buying their own uniforms

It’s a rather well-known fact that NFL cheerleaders often have to spend an astonishing amount of their own money on uniforms and accessories. Despite being the public faces of some of the wealthiest sports franchises in the world, cheerleaders frequently bear the financial burden of purchasing their outfits. This includes not only the primary uniforms but also a variety of accessories, such as boots, pom-poms, and other performance gear. The costs can quickly add up, running into hundreds or even thousands of dollars, all coming out of the cheerleaders’ own pockets. This significant personal expense underscores the dedication and passion these women have for their roles, even as it highlights the financial challenges that come with the glamour of being an NFL cheerleader.

3. No body alterations

Hiding tattoos and body piercings is understandable, as these modifications might not align with the uniform and polished image that NFL teams aim to present. However, the requirement to hide tan lines takes the regulations to an entirely different level. This particular rule seems excessively stringent, demanding an almost unrealistic standard of uniformity and appearance. Cheerleaders must ensure that their skin tone is perfectly even, without any visible tan lines, which can be incredibly challenging given the outdoor nature of many of their activities and practices. This expectation adds another layer of pressure and meticulous preparation, pushing the boundaries of what is reasonable and highlighting the extreme lengths these athletes must go to in order to meet every aspect of their rigorous appearance standards.

4. Strict social media rules

Teams often put their foot down on what cheerleaders can post on social media to protect the team’s image. Cheerleaders are typically required to adhere to strict guidelines regarding their online presence, which means they must carefully curate their posts and interactions. This includes avoiding controversial or inappropriate content, refraining from engaging in public disputes, and steering clear of any commentary that could reflect poorly on the organization. In some cases, they are even given specific instructions on the types of photos they can share, the language they should use, and the overall tone of their social media profiles. This level of control is intended to maintain a consistent and positive image for the team, ensuring that all public-facing elements align with the franchise’s brand and values.

5. No personal opinions

Cheerleaders are not allowed to express personal opinions, especially on controversial topics, to avoid conflicts with the team’s public image. This policy means that cheerleaders must refrain from sharing their thoughts on sensitive subjects such as politics, social issues, or any matter that might provoke strong reactions from the public. The aim is to prevent any potential backlash or negative publicity that could arise from their statements, which might be perceived as representing the views of the entire organization. This restriction ensures that the team maintains a neutral and uncontroversial stance in the eyes of fans and sponsors. Consequently, cheerleaders often have to suppress their personal beliefs and remain silent on issues that matter to them, prioritizing the team’s reputation over their own voices. This can be challenging, as it limits their ability to participate in important conversations and advocate for causes they care about, ultimately requiring them to navigate their public personas with extreme caution.

6. Can’t be buddy-buddy with players

There are rules prohibiting fraternization between cheerleaders and NFL players.

7. Mandatory calendar shoots

There are strict rules prohibiting fraternization between cheerleaders and NFL players to maintain professional boundaries and prevent conflicts of interest. These rules are put in place to avoid any potential distractions, favoritism, or complications that could arise from personal relationships between cheerleaders and players. The policies typically forbid any form of dating, romantic involvement, or even close friendships. Cheerleaders and players are often required to limit their interactions to professional settings, ensuring that their focus remains on their respective roles and responsibilities within the organization. These regulations help to uphold the integrity of both the cheerleading squad and the football team, ensuring that all members maintain a high standard of professionalism and dedication to their duties. For cheerleaders, this means they must be vigilant about their social interactions and avoid any situations that could be perceived as inappropriate or too familiar with the players.

8. Strict grooming standards

Participation in calendar shoots is often mandatory for NFL cheerleaders because these projects are significant revenue sources for the team. These calendar shoots are meticulously planned and executed, often involving elaborate themes, professional photographers, and high production values to create visually appealing images. The calendars are then sold to fans, generating substantial income that supports the team’s operations and various activities.

For cheerleaders, being part of these shoots means committing additional time and effort beyond their regular duties. They must maintain peak physical condition and appearance, as the calendars are a key element of the team’s marketing and branding strategies. The expectation to participate can sometimes be demanding, requiring cheerleaders to balance these photo sessions with their training, performances, and personal lives.

9. Travel restrictions

While on team-related travel, cheerleaders must follow curfews and other rules to maintain a professional image.

In addition to curfews, there are often numerous other regulations they must follow. These can include guidelines on behavior, dress code, and interactions with the public and media. For instance, cheerleaders may be required to wear team-approved attire at all times, avoid certain venues or activities that could be deemed inappropriate, and limit their use of social media to prevent any potential negative publicity.

10. Limited legal recourse

Many teams require cheerleaders to sign contracts that significantly limit their ability to pursue legal action against the team for a variety of issues, including wage disputes, harassment, and other employment-related grievances. These contracts, often referred to as arbitration agreements or waivers, are designed to protect the organization from potential lawsuits and to manage disputes internally.

By signing these contracts, cheerleaders agree to resolve any conflicts through arbitration rather than through the court system. Arbitration is a private process where an impartial third party reviews the case and makes a binding decision. While this process can be quicker and less formal than a court proceeding, it often favors the employer, as the rules of evidence and procedure can be less stringent, and the arbitrators may have ongoing relationships with the organization.

Overall, these contracts reflect a broader issue within the industry, highlighting the need for greater protections and more equitable treatment for cheerleaders. As these agreements become more common, the call for reform and increased transparency continues to grow, advocating for fairer and more just working conditions for these dedicated athletes.
